outubro 13, 2006

Blogueio Mental: Sem comentários

ATENÇÃO a este artigo de ontem sobre o Los Angeles Times - A Newspaper Investigates Its Future:

Newspapers are all looking for ways to gain readers, and many have hired consultants to help them. In an unusual twist, The Los Angeles Times is looking to chart its future by using its own reporters and editors, who rank among the best investigators in the business.
The Times is dedicating three investigative reporters and half a dozen editors to find ideas, at home and abroad, for re-engaging the reader, both in print and online. The newspaper’s editor, Dean Baquet, and its new publisher, David Hiller, plan to convene a meeting today to start the effort, which is being called the Manhattan Project. A report is expected in about two months.

Depois de lerem isto, pensem no que não está a ser feito em Portugal. Daqui a uns anos os "jornaleiros" vão andar todos mas é a trabalhar nas obras. Pelo menos os que não conseguirem um tacho como assessores de algum "cão grande". Já faltou mais.

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