maio 17, 2009

Charles "Tacuara", the great White poker shark

That's the price to pay for facing adventures in great international poker tournaments. Our friend Carlos "Tacuara" Branco is already known across Europe as Charles "Tacuara" White, the great White shark that spreads terror at the tables. The run at the Unibet Open Algarve'09 was not bad, and for the first experience at this level, "Tacuara" did well. Expect for great White attacks in the future if you dare to get in the water in any tournament that he might be envolved in. Good game, my friend. And by the way, we love your superb shakespearean accent. All the best.

PS: Boa sorte para todos os futpokerianos que, esta noite, vão disputar finais semanais ou satélites de acesso a torneios como o BPPT. Joguem bem e mostrem a vossa raça. Quem tiver disponibilidade, já sabe que tem como opção o nosso Sunday Open Circus, na Ongame, que arranca pelas 22 horas. 

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